Boost Health, Wealth, Happiness, Self-Esteem & Wellbeing

The other day I had a conversation with a person who loved his life style, but was fed up with living on the edge, financially speaking. He told me that he has had a proper education, loved his free lance work and was proud of not being in the ‘rat-race’ like most people. He felt totally free of any commitments but at the same time he felt that he ‘should’ have a house by now, a proper income, etc . He resented the fact that his brother was rich.

I told him that he might have some subconscious beliefs around wealth that is blocking him from attracting money and being wealthy. It raised his interest in the subject and asked me what I meant. I mentioned a few blocking beliefs around money and wealth. I told him that he might have beliefs like

“The rich are arrogant”  “Money is the root of all evil”

Straight away he responded that he does believe that and that it really IS true. He studied it and he told me that all the rich are corrupt, that money is indeed the root of all evil and that all the rich ARE arrogant.

I smiled. I told him that such beliefs are blocking him from attracting money in the first place. He will probably hate money too.  According to his belief system, he would be corrupt and arrogant if he would become rich and that of course he doesn’t want to be that. So it feels safer for him to be poor. You attract what you believe!

I told him that it really is not true that all the rich are arrogant and corrupt and that money is the root of all evil. Money is just energy. It is a piece of paper with some ink on it. You can do with it whatever you want. The more you have, the more you also can give.

On top of these negative limiting beliefs he has regrets of not having had build up his finances by now and he resents his brother for being rich. Resentment, regrets, rejections and grudges are very low energetic vibrations that can block you from anything you would like to attract into your life related to the topic. If he would free him self from these negative emotions and negative limiting beliefs he would unblock himself from attracting money and allow himself to become wealthier.

He also mentioned that he believes that “he has to work hard for his money”. My response to that was that if the right opportunity comes along, it is possible to earn a lot of money with only little effort.

Some people have fears around Success because in the past they may have experienced that being successful is not save. Reasons why they would believe that “It is not safe to be successful’ could be that all their wealth has been taken away in the past (“If I am rich, everybody will take it”) or that their loved ones were jealous of their wealth (“If I am rich, people don’t like me) or that they felt guilty for being wealthy when they compared themselves with the poor.

When we clear all our negative limiting subconscious beliefs and resolve our negative emotions around Wealth, Money & Success, such as fears and traumas, our resentments, grudges, hatred and regrets, we allow our selves to attract money and become rich.

There is enough abundance in the Universe for everyone. It is just about what we allow ourselves to attract in our lives.

I know what I choose to have in my life: Abundance on ALL levels in ANY area in my life. What would you choose? From all the goodies in life, what have you attracted into your life so far ?

I have done my share of changing my limiting subconscious beliefs and feelings around the subject. Life is truly amazing as we can co-create the life we choose to have.

To your Wealth & Success. Cheers!

Manon de Jongh

ThetaHealing Power

WHAT???? Have you lost weight?? Oh my goodness. I am SOOO sorry. Where did you loose it? Do you remember where you were when you could have lost it? Did you go back for it to find it?? When was the last time you saw it? I hope you will find it back. I am sure your body will do its best to find it back. Only then you are ‘complete’ again!

Ha ha!! Yeah, you must know that words have power. Your subconscious mind is an incredible powerful thing!! Do you know that your subconscious mind runs your life for more than 95 % ?? Science had proved that! Your subconscious has control over you, your life and what goes on in your body. It is a pity that your subconscious doesn’t know what is good for you and what you ‘consciously’ desire. It doesn’t know that you are actually happy that you have ‘lost’ the extra love handles. Your subconscious has programs for the words ‘loss’ and ‘loose’ and so whatever you have ‘lost’, it will do its best to find it and get it back for you. It’s job is just running your programs (just like a computer). It’s task is to keep you ‘safe’ !! Your subconscious mind will make sure that you will get what your believe (subconsciously: > 95 % of your mind).

So there you go, after your long battle of ‘loosing’ weight, you will put back the extra pounds again. So many people struggle with that. I know what that feels like, it used to be the story of my life!  So frustrating. Releasing weight is one thing, but KEEPING IT OFF is another thing!!

Besides that, I felt it was (A) very limiting to having to stick to a strict diet; the attraction to food made it even greater. (and B) Mixing my busy social life with my diet limitations was even worse. Temptation was around every corner. I am a free spirit and limitations just doesn’t work for me.

Anyway…the good news.. there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am very excited to share this really amazing news with you.  There is a new “Weight Liberation” program on the market that allows you to ‘liberate’ you from excess weight WITHOUT changing your diet. No limitations means no frustrations. You can keep your life style and still get closer to your ‘perfect’ body weight. Wouldn’t that be great to release weight and keep on having FUN ?

This new program began with Vianna Stibal, the founder of Theta Healing. She wanted to get healthier by shedding some kilos. But with her life style, traveling around the world teaching Theta Healing in many countries, it was a difficult task to follow the old way of releasing weight : 1. Following a diet.. .and 2. getting the exercise you need. So she created a program that is fun and easy to follow without limitations. Vianna has proofed in several years time that this new way of saying goodbye to the extra kilos really works! She herself and her family members and hundreds of other people following her new ‘Weight Liberation” program released thousands of pounds of excess weight without changing their diet.

One of the most important part is clearing your blocks around releasing weight through Theta Healing. When your subconscious doesn’t feel safe to let go of your excess weight, it will just hold on to it. It could be, for instance, that it knows that with releasing weight you feel sexier. Feeling more sexy means that you will likely attract someone to you. But when you have subconscious programs like ‘Love hurts’ or ‘I am overweight to avoid the attention from the opposite sex’, or ‘I am safe and protected being overweight’, your subconscious will keep your safe by blocking you from releasing weight. There are many other limiting subconscious programs that can block you from reaching your goal weight. I won’t mention them all.

With these new Theta Weight Liberation Program, we can enter you subconscious mind and release you from your blocks around letting go of excess weight through the power of Theta Healing. We can then reprogram your subconscious mind. This will actually allow your body to release the excess weight. The program has a few other secret tricks that will help you to let go of the extra weight. You will laugh when you are doing the program because you know it is just ‘tricking’ your body. You will discover how easy it is to become thinner and feel more beautiful.

For more information and joining the program, please go to my website

This program is totally NEW in Australia. It is FUN and EASY. It is perfect for men and women, boys and girls of any age, and also for those who have busy life styles. From any distance you can sign up to get your program and get the learnings and the ‘reprogramming’ online. MY CLIENT LOST 10 KG in 8,5 weeks. She is VERY HAPPY. The healings have affected her in so many ways. Check out her inspiring Testimonial on my website and join my “Weight Loss Program Theta Healing” on Facebook.

I know it just feels SO GOOD to have a healthy body weight! Life is just much more fun and enjoyable.

Your Brain is Amazing!

Your brain is amazing. It does millions of things. It controls your sensory, your vision, your hearing and speaking abilities, your language comprehension,  your memory, your muscle movement, your digestive system, your endocrine system (hormones) your respiratory system (breathing), your lymph system and so much more. Different parts of the brain control different things. The chemical messengers in the brain, the neurons, communicate with the rest of the body. The neurons send messages to the body and receives messages from the body as well. Lots of information in the form of energy is registered in the brain.

The brain can be highly active or more in a relaxed state. The activity of the brain defines the frequency of the brainwave. On a daily basis we all go in and out of different states, making use of all the different brainwaves. The EEG machine has measured that on a daily basis we use 5 different Brain waves / frequencies: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. They all have different frequencies, meaning the number of times a wave repeats itself within a second. They all use different part of the brains.

From least to most activity:

  • 0 – 4 Hz     Delta Brainwave
  • 4-7 Hz       Theta Brainwave
  • 7 – 14 Hz   Alpha Brainwave
  • 14 – 21 Hz  Beta Brainwave
  • 21 – 28 Hz  Gamma Brainwave (-5000 Hz)

DELTA – Deep Sleep, Trance , Unconscious  (> 4 Hz)

Delta is the slowest brainwave. Delta waves have a frequency of 0.1 – 4 cycles per second. It is a dreamless sleep Brainwave. People in coma are in a Delta State. Babies are in a Delta State.

THETA – Meditation, Awaken Dream Wave State (4 – 7 Hz)

Theta brain waves have a frequency of 4 – 7 cycles per second. The theta Brainwave state is a very deep state of relaxation. It is a dream state while fully awake. It is the State between deep sleep and meditation. It is used in a dream state and in hypnosis. Young children are in a Theta State. When you are in awe with nature and feel interconnected to everyone and everything, you are in a Theta State as well. It is when you just ‘know’ that God is real. When you are driving a car and you can’t recall a part of your journey, you were using the Theta Brainwave. It is a brainwave you use with repetitive actions when you don’t need to ‘think’. In this state of mental relaxation you may get a free flow of ideas. It is the state of Creation.

ALPHA – Relaxed/reflecting, closing the eyes, daydreaming, fantasizing, coma (7 – 14 Hz)

Alpha brain waves have a frequency of 7 – 14 cycles per second. The alpha state is brainwave between Theta and Beta. It is very relaxed meditative brainwave state. When you close your eyes and you imagine a sunset at the beach with birds flying around, you are using the alpha brainwave. When people use Reiki Energy Healing they use the Alpha Brainwave.

BETA  – Active concentration, alert, working, anxious/busy thinking (14 – 21 Hz)

Beta brain waves have a frequency of 14 – 21 cycles per second. When you are active and alert, like when you are thinking, talking and communicating, you are in a Beta State. You are probably in a Beta wave right now while reading this.

GAMMA – Sensory processing (21 – 28+ / 5000Hz)

Gamma brain waves have a frequency of 21 – 5000 cycles per second. It is the brainwave when we use higher mental activity like in learning and processing information. We use this brainwave also in perception and consciousness using combining our senses like sound and sight. We use this brainwave in short term memory recognizing tactile sensations, sounds and objects.


The Theta Brainwave is used in Theta Healing. That is why it is called Theta Healing. The Theta Brainwave brings up all the emotions and limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores emotions, feelings and beliefs. It runs 90% of your body (heart, breath, digestion). The emotions, feelings and beliefs are energies and effect the body. The subconscious mind helps you to achieve what you believe.  The subconscious mind does not know which beliefs are good for you and just keeps you ‘safe’ by running your programs (beliefs) attracting situations that matches your beliefs.

You have positive beliefs that work for you (your energy flows) and you have negative beliefs that will limit you (your energy is blocked). Theta Healing helps you to find your blocks that keep you from achieving your goals. By consciously going into a Theta Brainwave you can access the subconscious mind and change all limiting beliefs and feelings into positive ones. With the ‘Energy of Creation’ using the Theta Brainwave you can ‘dis-create’ negative beliefs and feelings and ‘create’ positive beliefs and feelings. This creates positive change in your life and you will start attracting situations in your life that matches your positive feelings and beliefs.

With changing your beliefs and feelings you change your life.

Theta Healing is a drug free holistic modality that heals Body, Mind and Soul at the same time. Theta means ‘soul’. Theta Healing is a ‘soul’ modality, connecting to the Creator God. by connecting to this ‘Energy of Creation’.  This energy is the purest energy. It is the energy of the Creator’s “Unconditional Love”. Love heals. Love overwrites everything.

The following is an Ode to the Brain, a great video to watch:

Is there something in your life you would like to change?

Find out what is blocking you and reprogram your life today.

Book your Theta Healing session now!

Contact Manon: +61 (0) 431 286 940 at ThetaHealing Power

Science has proved that your subconscious mind is running more than 95% of your life. When you make a decision, you make that decision consciously for only 5% maximum, the rest of your decision (95%) is controlled by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is running the show and has power over you and your life.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Most of the subconscious beliefs you are not even aware of. Positive subconscious programming will work for you, but negative programming will work against you and will sabotage you achieving your goals.

Your subconscious mind is just like a computer, it just runs on autopilot. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know what is good for you and is merely running the programs in your brain. Once there is a faulty program in there, it can mess up the whole system. Your subconscious beliefs can block you from fulfilling your desires.

Our body, our feelings and beliefs are all energy. Energy has a specific frequency. We are like a broadcast station, sending out and receiving energy. With the energy you send out, you will attract the same frequency. Negative beliefs will attract negative experiences and positive beliefs will attract positive experiences (law of attraction). Life gives you those experiences that match your feelings and beliefs.

Can you imagine what sort of life you live, when you have negative subconscious programming, such as

I have to suffer
I am not good enough
I have to sacrifice myself
I don’t deserve happiness
Being successful is dangerous
Money is the root of all evil

Negative beliefs can limit you from living the life you desire. So if you would like to improve the quality of your life, it is highly recommendable to align your subconscious beliefs and feelings with your conscious desires. Only positive beliefs and feelings will support you in whatever you want to achieve.

In this video clip, Bruce Lipton explains how the subconscious mind is just like a tape player.

With Theta Healing

  • it is possible to access the subconscious mind in the powerful Theta- Brainwave State.
  • you can reprogram your subconscious mind, changing negative beliefs into positive ones.

Theta Healing allows you to rewrite disempowering limiting programs and download supporting positive programs. This will allow you to attract positive life experiences and start living the life you love. Theta Healing simply empowers you!

Are you happy in every area of your life?

Is there something in your life you would like to change?

Find out what is blocking you and reprogram your life today.

Book your Theta Healing session now!

Contact Manon: +61 (0) 431 286 940

The Power of Theta Healing


What is it that you would like to change in your life?

In what areas would you like to get better?

The deepest causes of the problems and issues you have in your life are your underlying negative subconscious beliefs and feelings.

During a Theta Healing session, you can work on a problem or issue, that you would like to resolve. During ‘the digging process’ (a questioning process) we can identify the underlying subconscious beliefs and negative feelings of the problem/issue which are causing your problem in the first place. With muscle testing (kinesiology) we can test the related blocking beliefs and feelings that are sabotaging your life.

With Theta Healing, we can access the subconscious mind in the powerful Theta State (a slow meditative brainwave) and release you from your deeply held limiting negative feelings and beliefs and replace them with positive feelings and beliefs.

Dare to bloom fully and live your full potential

The results of a Theta Healing can be verified using muscle testing again to see if the negative beliefs and feelings are changed into positive ones. Clearing blocks will allow you to attract positive life experiences and start living the life you love (Law of attraction).

Theta Healing is a very gentle and relaxing though powerful holistic energetic healing modality. Theta Healing works on all 4 levels at the same time; the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. This is important because everything is interconnected. For example

  • with every illness, there are underlying negative emotions, feelings and negative subconscious beliefs which need to be healed
  • with every emotional trauma, there are also physical imprints or side-effects on a cellular level and negative beliefs, which need to be healed
  • with every negative subconscious belief, there are traumas and negative experiences involved which need to be healed

When you heal only one part of your ‘whole’ being, you have done only part of the healing job. It is important to heal on all levels to prevent re-creating problems or issues related to the problem you have worked on.

The possibilities with Theta Healing are endless. Theta Healing can help you with ANY problem in any area of your life: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Career, Finances, Success, Happiness, Self esteem and overall Wellbeing.

We all deserve to live happy, healthy and successful lives.

Are you ready to change your life on the deepest level? Book now and contact me for a Theta Healing session.

To request a Theta Healing session, visit my website and contact me:

Looking forward hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Manon de Jongh

Hi All. How are you?

My name is Manon de Jongh. I am a Theta Healer, ThetaHealing Instructor and an Animal Healer & Communicator. I truly love what I do and do what I love. I hope for you, you can say the same.

You have come to the right place at the right time! You will find out how you can improve the quality of life of yourself, your kids and your animal friends. I love helping people and animals improve their lives with Theta Healing.

Theta Healing is very easy, gentle and yet so powerful. I am in awe with the miracles I see with Theta Healing. The things that Theta Healing can help you with are endless. Theta Healing can help with ANY problem or issue.

Stay in tune with the articles to come to find out more about how you can UNBLOCK your self and truly allow yourself to attract the life opportunities to live the life you love.

Have a great day!

Bye for now


Science has proved that everything in the Universe is made of Energy and is influenced by energy. Every rock, every tree, every animal and every human is made of Energy. Every word, thought, feeling, emotion and belief is made of energy and is constantly affecting and directing all areas of our lives, including our physical body.

The way we speak, think, feel and what we believe is how we perceive the world and how we shape every area of our lives.

Everything we have experienced so far has been stored as energy in our body and aura. The aura is the energetic field that permeates and surrounds the physical body. When we influence our body and energetic field with energy, our energy changes.  The flow of energy in the body and energy field can be improved with Energy Healing. It balances, restores and rejuvenates energy. With Energy Healing we can get rid of old stuck negative energy and we can replace that with fresh, positive, flowing energy. This will enhance the self healing capacity of the body.

Energy Healing works on the energetic  level of our being. Since our body and our thoughts, feelings, emotions, (sub)conscious beliefs are all energy, Energy Healing works on ALL levels at the same time: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. That is why we call Energy Healing ‘holistic’. It works on the physical body, mind, emotions, feelings and soul as a ‘whole’.

Theta Healing is a very powerful holistic energetic healing modality and is well known for its ‘feeling work’ and reprogramming the subconscious mind. Theta Healing is a drug-free, non-invasive, harmless, natural and very gentle way to heal the body, mind and soul. It uses pure Universal Life Force energy and elevates health, happiness and overall wellbeing.

Receiving Theta Healing is very calming and relaxing. Theta Healing naturally supports and supplements other healing modalities.

Theta Healing can be done in person or over a distance. Long-distance healing is as powerful as a face-to-face healing. Theta Healing has no limitations. It is fast and highly effective and can be done over the phone or by focusing on the name or photograph of a person, even from a long distance.

Anyone can benefit from Theta Healing. If we all feel happier with ourselves and our lives, the world becomes a happier place.

To request a Theta Healing, you can visit my website:

Cheers to your Health, Happiness & Success
